USB-C board replacementΒΆ
- Follow the disassembly procedure up through the step where the internal frame is removed.
The frame is removed at 1:04 in the video
You do not need to follow the rest of this disassembly procedure
Remove 2 screws from the lower speaker box (below the battery area) and remove the speaker box
Carefully disconnect the 2 antennas by lifting from the attachment point between the wire and connector
Remove the microphone gasket and set it aside
Remove 2 screws securing the USB-C board
Separate the board from the ribbon cable Place your thumb over the visible part of the orange ribbon cable and gently pull the PCB away with a fingernail. The ribbon cable is glued down, so the board will separate.
You can then install the new USB-C board. It will align with the existing ribbon cable; slide it on to attach.
Be careful not to crush the microphone gasket during reassembly, as this will adversely affect sound quality.