.. _librem_5_passwords: Passwords ========= By defualt, the Librem 5 uses the password **123456** for both the Encryption password (Used to unlock the data on the phone), and the lock screen (Used as the user password and on the lock screen) .. raw:: html Encryption ========== To update the encryption password open Disks and select the top device: .. image:: images/passwords/disks_top_dev.png :scale: 100% :align: center Then select the 31 GB LUKS partition. Under settings, tap “Change Passphrase…” .. image:: images/passwords/change_passphrase.png :scale: 100% :align: center The default PIN is **123456**; make sure to set a strong password here. Your password can include numbers, symbols, and a mix of upper and lower-case characters. It’s a good idea to back this password up, as it will be needed every time you start your phone. Lock screen/Admin ================= See :ref:`Changing the Settings ` for full steps to update the lock screen/user password. Quick setup under: **Settings** → **Details** → **Users** → **Password** Gnome Keyring ============= The last password you’ll need to set up is for Gnome Keyring. .. image:: images/passwords/gnome_keyring.png :scale: 100% :align: center This is where user accounts data gets stored encrypted. When attaching to a service like Nextcloud, you’ll be prompted to create the new keyring automatically. Like with your main encryption password, it’s a good idea to back these up securely in a password safe. If you don’t have a password manager already, :ref:`passwordsafe ` is simple to use and in our software store.