.. include:: ../format.rst .. include:: ../urls.rst .. _l5_evergreen_known_issues: Known issues ============ This page lists known issues for the **Evergreen** shipment of phones as supplied to users. Power ----- .. _l5_evergreen_known_issues_iso7816: Device may damage SIM if SIM is inserted/removed while device is powered on ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Problem**: The SIM card may be irreparably damaged if the SIM card is inserted or removed while the phone is powered on. **Description**: The electrical contacts for the Librem 5 and Liberty Phone nano-SIM and microSD tray are not ISO/IEC 7816 compliant. This is due to the type of SIM tray in use. **Insertion or removal of the tray while the device is powered on will likely irreparably damage the SIM card.** **Users should power off the phone before replacing SIM cards.** Board revisions as of approximately mid-2023 include a SMT fuse intended to prevent damage to the SIM card, but this is not a failsafe solution. This issue will be addressed in future hardware revisions.