.. include:: ../urls.rst .. include:: ../overview/images.rst .. _l5_troubleshooting_calls: Calls ===== .. _l5_troubleshooting_calls_no_outgoing: Cannot place a call ------------------- **Problem**: I cannot place an outbound call. **Diagnostics**: #. Launch the **Calls** application. .. image:: ../images/calls/calls-dialpad-no-modem.png :align: center :scale: 50% :alt: The dial pad when no modem is available :class: no-scaled-link #. Is a red banner visible near the top of the screen that reads "Can't place calls: No modem or VoIP account available"? #. **YES**: Is the cellular modem :ref:`enabled ` with the :ref:`hardware killswitch `? #. **YES**: Proceed to the next step. #. **NO**: Enable the cellular modem. Allow a few moments for the modem to connect to the network. Re-attempt a phone call. #. **NO**: Proceed to the next step. .. image:: ../images/calls/calls-dialpad-no-sim.png :align: center :scale: 50% :alt: The dial pad when no SIM is available :class: no-scaled-link #. Is a red banner visible near the top of the screen that reads "Can't place calls: No SIM card"? #. **YES**: Is a SIM card installed in the device? #. **YES**: Proceed to the next step. #. **NO**: :ref:`Install a SIM card `, then re-attempt a phone call. #. **NO**: Proceed to the next step. #. At the top-left of the screen, do you see a |cell-dis| icon? #. **YES**: Follow :ref:`these instructions ` to ensure that cellular networking is enabled. #. **NO**: Re-attempt a phone call, then proceed to the next step. #. Does the problem persist? #. **YES**: Proceed to the next step. #. **NO**: Problem solved. #. :ref:`Access the WWAN compartment `. Verify the following: #. The WWAN module is present. #. The WWAN module is fully seated into the socket. #. The WWAN module is secured in place with a retaining screw. #. Both WWAN antennas are fully seated onto the connectors. #. Re-attempt a call. Does the problem persist? #. **YES**: `Contact Purism Support `_ to discuss next steps. #. **NO**: Problem solved. .. _l5_troubleshooting_call_waiting: Call Waiting ------------ **Problem**: During an active phone call, the phone receives a second incoming call. Incoming and outgoing audio for the active call cuts out, or the active call drops. **Reason**: Call waiting is not currently supported. See :ref:`l5_cellular_networks_issues_call_waiting` for more details. **Resolution**: Call waiting must be disabled through your mobile carrier. Contact your carrier (or `contact Purism Wireless Support `_ if using `Librem AweSIM `_) and ask that the call waiting service be disabled for your line. Incoming calls do not appear in call history ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Problem**: Incoming calls that arrive during an active call are not listed in call history. **Reason**: Call waiting is not currently supported. See :ref:`l5_cellular_networks_issues_call_waiting` for more details. .. _l5_troubleshooting_no_mobile_data: No mobile data -------------- **Problem**: No cellular data is available. I see an orange exclamation point next to the cellular signal icon in the top-left of the screen. **Reason**: Mobile data is disabled. **Resolution**: Follow :ref:`these instructions ` to enable mobile data. .. _l5_troubleshooting_no_mic_input: No outgoing audio ----------------- **Problem**: Others cannot hear me when I speak during a phone call. **Diagnostics**: #. Is the microphone :ref:`enabled ` with the :ref:`hardware killswitch `? #. **YES**: Continue to the next step. #. **NO**: Power on the microphone with the killswitch, then re-test outgoing audio. Continue to the next step if the problem persists. #. End the call and call the recipient at the same number. Does the problem persist? #. **YES**: Continue to the next step. #. **NO**: Problem solved. #. Coordinate with the recipient (over SMS, etc) to turn up the volume on their phone. Does the problem persist? #. **YES**: `Contact Purism Support `_ to discuss next steps. #. **NO**: Problem solved. .. _l5_troubleshooting_no_incoming_audio: No incoming audio ----------------- **Problem**: I cannot hear the other person speaking during an active phone call. **Diagnostics**: #. Place or receive a phone call to another phone for testing purposes. Verify that the person on the other line is speaking at a reasonable volume and near the microphone on their device. #. Turn up the volume using the **Volume +** rocker switch. Can you now hear the other person while they are speaking? #. **YES**: Problem solved. #. **NO**: Proceed to the next step. #. Terminate the phone call. #. Toggle the cellular modem :ref:`hardware killswitch ` off and back on. #. Monitor the :ref:`cellular signal notification ` until a connection is established. #. Place or receive another phone call for testing purposes. Verify that the person on the other line is speaking at a reasonable volume and near the microphone on their device. #. Can you now hear the other person while they are speaking? #. **YES**: Problem solved. #. **NO**: `Contact Purism Support `_ to discuss next steps.