.. _l5_test_points: Test points =========== The 22 test points for UART1, UART2, JTAG, USB1, SMC and the BOOT_MODE0/1 pins can be found below the WLAN module on the rear of the phone, as shown with the rear cover removed. .. This does not currently render, though it did in developer.puri.sm .. raw:: html

See a larger version of this image

.. There is no directive in rst to overlay two images, so the breakout region does not align with the test pads on the device. .. |l5-test-point-pads| image:: ../images/hardware/dogwood/Dogwood-Evergreen-test-points.jpg :width: 610 :alt: The locations of test points on the rear of the phone :class: no-scaled-link .. |l5-test-points-breakout| image:: ../images/hardware/dogwood/Dogwood-Evergreen-test-points.svg :width: 610 :alt: The locations of test points on the rear of the phone :class: no-scaled-link .. centered:: |l5-test-point-pads| |l5-test-points-breakout|