.. include:: /urls.rst .. _l14_ec: (E)mbedded (C)ontroller ======================= .. _l14_ec_iso: ISO upgrade method ------------------ To upgrade your EC using the ISO method, you will need your Librem 14 charging and a USB drive you can completely erase: .. raw:: html .. seealso:: * :download:`Download ` the video * `Original blog post `_ .. _l14_ec_hw: Hardware upgrade method ----------------------- Keeping your Librem 14 EC firmware updated is simple with the above ISO upgrade method. For those needing to recover or test development EC builds, this video will explain how to upgrade your EC with a chip programmer. .. raw:: html .. seealso:: * :download:`Download ` the video * `Original blog post `_ .. figure:: /_files/L14/internal/l-14-pcb-top-flash.jpg :scale: 50% :alt: L14 EC firmware and BIOS locations :class: no-scaled-link :ref:`Embedded Controller ` chip on the left; BIOS on the right .. _l14_ec_related: EC-related software ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `Librem EC firmware source code`_ * For hints about usage and development, please see the `Librem EC wiki`_ * `coreboot `_ * `ACPI Linux kernel driver `_ * Used to get access to userspace settings in the EC like charge thresholds, programmable LEDs, etc. .. _l14_ec_fw: Updating the EC firmware ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Using a `Live ISO `_ * Using a `Chip Programmer `_ .. _l14_ec_acpi_driver: Installing the EC ACPI Linux kernel driver ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * **Alpine Linux and derivatives:** ``sudo apk add librem-ec`` * **Arch Linux and derivatives:** ``yay -S librem-ec-acpi-dkms`` * `Fedora `_ * `GUIX `_ * **PureOS:** ``sudo apt install librem-ec-acpi-dkms`` * `QubesOS `_