.. _librem_14_legal: Legal ===== .. _librem_14_legal_fcc: FCC --- Laptops with a single transmitter mounted withinin the upper display section of the chassis (not the lower keyboard portion) do not require SAR testing as long as the maximum transmitter power is below a threshold. [#]_ [#]_ [#]_ The Librem 14 contains a single transmitting antenna which is not mounted in the keyboard section of the chassis, therefore it does not require SAR testing. .. [#] `FCC SAR evaluation considerations for laptop, notebook, netbook, and tablet computers `_ .. [#] `FCC SAR evaluation considerations for laptop computers with antennas built-in on display screens `_ .. [#] :download:`FCC_SAR_eval_LNNT.pdf <../../_files/L14/fcc/FCC_SAR_eval_LNNT.pdf>`